We the staffs of Semnan's district water association:

-  Follow our leader's speech and by knowing that serving truly to people is the god's blessings, important responsibility and valuable, to perform this task do all that we can do.

-  Our services increase people richness and welfare and improve our relations with them.

-  Know limited water resources one of the god's blessings and national wealth and use our best to expansion,protection and optimal exploitation from it.

-  Committed to the ethical principles and intellectual traits like humility, modesty, sobriety, honesty in speech and behavior, privacy, trusteeship and avoid from squander in any conditions.

-  Know regularities, adornment, punctuality, decorum, propriety, justice, fairness, willingness to serve and be accountable to the people are the certain tenets of success and the progress context of company.

-  Know staffs are the most valuable resources and increase their professional abilities to improve their efficiency and performance and to satisfy clients.

-  By observing the principles of conservation and avoiding luxury-oriented and unnecessary costs trying to improve efficiency in the exploitation of available resources.

-  Intensively value getting feedbacks from clients and use them as underlies of growth and improving services. Hope that the people satisfaction of our services lead to increase their reliance.

Semnan's district water association




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  • Address :
  • P.O Box : +98-7916795639
  • Tel : +98-7633335411-15, +98-7633932145
  • Fax : +98-7633351371
  • Email : info[at]hrrw.ir
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